All students with an interest in physics are invited to join the Physics Club.

You don’t have to be a physics major to join. The club is the 2012 winner of an Aaron O. Hoff Award for making an outstanding contribution to the Lafayette community.

The Physics Club is a chapter of the national Society of Physics Students (SPS), but there are no dues for the Physics Club and you are not required to join SPS. There are perks for joining SPS, including a subscription to Physics Today, the monthly publication of the American Institute of Physics, and the opportunity to participate in regional events with physics students at other colleges and universities.

Activities of the club have included weekly tea, rocket-launching contests, showings of  videos, liquid nitrogen ice cream socials, and stargazing parties.

Subscribe to announcements of physics-related activities

  • Jared Sofair

  • Aidan Wensel

    Vice President
  • Alex Gerstein

  • Lucas Lindenmuth

    event coordinator